Monday, September 3, 2007

Killraven by Arline Chase

1 - Tell us a bit about your book.

KILLRAVEN is the story of Hope Voeschell, who was raised in a pacifist sect, and who, thanks to her best friend and former teacher, Elyza Whitely, moves to a small Chesapeake Bay island.

2 - Tell us about the best friend - gender, age, appearance, how they came to be with the hero or heroine and anything else we need to know about them.Elyza is ten years older than Hope, a self-proclaimed "horse-faced spinster," who has a jolly personality, but no real hope of romance. She is one of eight sisters, all of them prettier, and has dedicated her life to educating other people's children.

3 - Who does the "best friend" help in the book?Elyza was Hope's teacher after the county government insisted children from her sect MUST attend school. She also boarded with Hope's family. Elyza is the reason Hope wanted to be a teacher.

4 - Does the best friend have a specific purpose in the book?Several. She inspired Hope to look beyond the narrow precepts of her strict faith. She helped Hope get a scholarship to teacher's college. Then, when Hope found it impossible to get employment, again because of her faith, Elyza offered her a temporary home on Killraven Island.

5 - How does your hero or heroine feel about the best friend?The hero thinks of Elyza as "the schoolmarm" and is othewise not concerned about her. Hope is enormously grateful to Elyza and also feels beholden to her for the refuge she has offered.

6 - How would your hero or heroine handle their problems or difficulties with the best friend?
Hope would be lost without Elyza. She has been "shunned" by her own people for becoming a teacher and can never go home again.

7 - Are there problems between the best friend and your main characters?No. Elyza is supportive and kind.

8 - Do you see the best friend ever having their own story?
Elyza is the main character in a sub-plot of Killraven. So she does sort of have her own story.

9 - Was the best friend inspired by anyone you know?
No. She just toddeled on into a short story I was writing and the story tunred into a novel. Elyza grew with it.

10 - Is there anything else about the best friend that we need to know? Feel free to share. She dreams of finding a love of her own, but knows it's all moonshine.

11 - Please provide your website

12 - What is the link to buy your book?

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